Be a blogger and get famous

Do You Know? People are Waiting for Your Thoughts about their Interest. Be a blogger and get famous

Why are you still thinking to be a blogger and get famous?  Let’s begin to be blogger, World is also waiting for your creative thought and ideas. 

So, here is everyone’s first question, what is a Blog?

Blog means your web presence and is similar to a website or you can call it a personal website. In old times people use to write their views on diaries and won’t be able to share the world but time changed now we have internet and smart gadgets like mobiles and laptops. So please started writing their views on the internet on different topics, people made videos and upload it to their blogs. By doing this some people are getting famous and some are getting information.


People have expertise in different topics like some are experts in foods they write about foods some are experts in dance and they make dance videos and upload it on their blogs, some love to travel so they write about their travel experiences and upload pictures and so on. Today I choose to write about “blogging” and “how to get famous by being a blogger” and to help beginners to start a blog. So as if now you have understood that what is a blog then why are you still thinking to be a blogger and get famous?  Let’s start and try to understand more things about being a blogger.

Why anyone should start a blog?

I won’t say that every person should have a blog but there are many who have a lot to share this world. People have different reasons to write on different topics and other side people are willing to read and love to learn via those blogs.

If you have a business and you want to communicate about your product and services to your consumers, then this a great way to communicate your quality and how your product or services are beneficial for your customers, if people will get to know that your product or services are good for them then you will get new clients. If you are a food blogger and as you know people love to eat, some of them love to make foods also, by doing this you are helping most of the food lovers and if you are also a food lover then you will get something back to learn. So finally you are also interested to write a blog but you are still thinking to be a blogger is good or not, otherwise, you are not reading this article till now.

How blogging will influence your life?

Blogging will make you a better writer and thinker: Blogging is that you are writing your thoughts to the internet and sharing your views to the world. Convincing others towards your thoughts but you will get their views also what will improve your writing skills and increase your thought about that topic. It may right or wrong but people share their views with you by commenting on your article. Only 1 to 2 percent of users produce the content on the internet. The remaining 98 percent of just consume it. Don’t be a consumer if you have something to showcase the world.

You'll be famous by inspiring people

Blog writing will not only change your life, but it will also change the life of your readers. A blog should be free for the audience and open to the public but nowadays some people are also using it a business tool, it is an act of sharing your experience with the world. whether it can be text or video form. It is a noble deed for our society to invest your time and energy. Your readers will find inspiration in your writing and also in your thought. So do I ask you again? Are you still thinking to be a blogger and get famous?  I hope till now you have understood that how you will be famous by writing a blog so let’s dive down for more information about what thinks you should keep in your mind while writing and what’s not.

To Do and Not To Do

  1. The Name of your blog or you can say it an address of your blog. Choose your domain name wisely, something related to that topic which you are going to write.

  2. You can start with free templets but I will not suggest you use it, because those companies who provide you free templates have the same templates for all their users, they will give you domain and hosting with their names. Your writing will get traffic and they can use your traffic to earn.

  3. Hire someone professional to make your blog.

  4. Try to understand your audience before you start writing. What do people want to know about that topic? what will connect your audience to your blog?  If you have a clear understanding of your audience, then start writing your blog and start your journey to be famous.

  5. Never ever copy other bloggers content because google or any other search engine will take it as a copied content and decrease your rank from google or any other search engine.

  6. You should have some social media account I would not say all but 3 or 4 which are famous in the audience. Because it is the best medium to connect with people after writing your blog you should share your blog link to your social media.

  7. Try to make beautiful graphics for your post because images or videos attract people more towards your blog.

  8. Make a schedule for posting on blog and choose same time in a day to publish your post if you are doing it daily, if you are doing it once in a week then decide a day and time and try stick it.

  9. Try to connect with your audience by reading their comments and try to reply to some of them if they have genuine issues.

  10. Don’t do it to earn directly, you should write it to connect with more and more people, the traffic of your blog will help you to earn money without approaching to your consumer.

This is a great age that to be signed in the blogging industry, in this era, everyone has many things to publish over the internet then why are you still thinking to publish your best ideas, thoughts, travel experience, food recipes and much more to the world. Start your journey to be famous.

If you need any assistance, we are here to assist you always.
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